Sourdough at last!

At last I have my rye starter up and running. I’m keeping it refreshed everyday with another 25g rye and 50g water. For my bread I’m adding 250g rye with 500g water and leaving for a day…

I then make up the dough as follows:

  • 750g starter (250g rye and 500g water)
  • 750g white bread flour
  • 150 water
  • 20g salt
  • This is mixed and then left for 30 mins, followed by a couple of stretches and folds, and then left in the fridge for a day. After removing from the fridge it’s then shaped and left at room temperature for a few hours. The bread is cooked in a cloche for 20 minutes lid on, then 20 off.


    Yummy !!!